As Jessica Newsome battles for her life, The Grove rallies around her to help in any way possible. The Grove is Newnan First United Methodist Church's aid committee for medical crises and longterm illness, which started soon after Newsome was diagnosed in March with kidney cancer while serving as the church's children's minister.
Newsome suffered from exhaustion almost immediately after taking the job in July 2012. She fought off symptoms of fatigue for months until her husband, Jason, finally put her in a car and drove her to the emergency room.
The news was heartbreaking. Jessica had stage 4 renal cell cancer.
Word of Jessica's illness shook the church and spurred a group effort in coordinating the massive outpouring of assistance church and community members wished to send the Newsomes' way. The Grove immediately became the facilitator for funds and assistance to reach the church families in need, just like the Newsomes.
This past month, The Grove renovated the Newsomes' bathroom to make it wheelchair accessible. The group also bought the family a recliner to make visitors more comfortable.
One of Newsome's wishes was to attend a Braves game. When she got there, word of her illness spread all the way to pitcher Tim Hudson and his wife. His Hudson Family Foundation has since provided a grant to the Newsome family, with Hudson also donating autographed items to The Grove, which will be used to raise money for the family.
Those who know Newsome find her amazingly strong-spirited, giving and an overachiever. Newsome, who recently turned 30, continues to battle advanced stages of cancer with the support of her husband and her two little girls, along with friends and family.
'Jessica is the true definition of a mother,' says Sarah Dewberry, who helped start The Grove and has been friends with Jessica since college.
'She is selfless, caring, warm and nurturing to everyone she meets. She has always shown an interest in the people around her, and even through her personal struggles, she finds ways to minister to those she cares about. The world should wish to have her as a friend.'
The family started a blog titled in order to update loved ones and concerned community members on Newsome's journey. The blog includes posts from Newsome. The pages are filled with loving thoughts and family photographs.
Along with supporting Jessica, The Grove is assisting about a dozen other families dealing with medical crises.
If a family needs a wheelchair ramp, online meal calendar, or monetary support, The Grove always donates a planted seedling tree as a symbol of its love and support. For Kelley Welden, another one of The Grove's founders, the ministry is a blessing for those involved.
'It is a joy to work with other women who truly care about our church members. The people that we have helped have been so appreciative, whether it's been meals, prayer shawls or the dogwood trees. We are just happy to be able to do our part.'
Since The Grove's conception, community support has been overwhelming for Jessica and her family as they continue to battle her illness - and pray.
It's amazing what the love and care of a community accomplish when people are pulled together for a common cause. It's just a shame it takes the worst battles to realize the depths of human compassion.
To request assistance or make a donation to The Grove call 770-2537400 or email churchoffice@newnanfumc. org.
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