It's not Elo Hell, I'm just losing Elo.
by FYA Umashi @ February 3, 20126606 Views So lately I've been getting a lot of messages regarding my Elo because in the last six days or so I went from 1950 to 1750. I expect I'll probably drop to around 1600 at this rate but I'm not worried. I'm 100% sure I'll get it all back.
A lot of people have been claiming this is Elo Hell. What I'm experiencing. Just no matter how hard I play I cannot win. You can call that Elo Hell if you'd like but I just call it a losing streak. I'm going to get all my elo back and this is how I know.
This all started because I playing champions I'm not as good at (Viktor, Galio, Etc) so I dropped from about 1950 to 1880. After that I decided to go and get my plat back before playing around more and I got a few bad teams. Now anybody who has ever had a few bad teams in a row where you play amazing and still lose would know that once you actually get a good team you're so demoralized you yourself are playing like shit. This is what is happening to me right now.
If I get a bad team I'll do good and lose, if I get a good team I'll do bad and lose. So I do nothing but lose. This has happened to me before, I was 1750 in S1 and I had a streak like this with the exact same thing happening and I fell to 1250. I got all the elo back and another 100 on the way back up but it was still demoralizing and painful.
Now what I mean by bad teams when I do good and good teams when I do bad is this.
Sejuani, 1-7-8, Team gave me a 2 hit leash with no help on wolves and then let the enemy Shyvana counter jungle me and even when I ran into her in the jungle they refused to leave their lanes, aka bad team.
Ziggs, 0-7-1, My team wasn't very good (all lanes fed, jungler too) but I was somewhat out of it and possibly could've carried it had I not been caught out of position by the enemy Udyr so many times.
Sivir, 2-4-2, Dominated my lane hard early. Taric goes and feeds the enemy graves a free kill then my team comes down and towerdives giving another 2 kills. Enemy Graves and Annie got fed off of dives and ended up winning, bad team.
1-6-1, Udyr, We were winning hard. I dominated my lane in cs despite giving the jungler a few kills. I had gotten two top turrets easily and if we had kept split pushing we would've won. Team groups up and we lose.
5-5-5, Wukong, Kennen Mid feeds incredibly hard making it impossible to carry.
1-3-7, Jungle Warwick, Same Kennen playing Brand now feeds 3-9-3 and blames me for being jungle Warwick (lol).
3-2-0, Wukong, FP Wukong, next picks are Jungle Twitch, Sivir, Irelia, and Sona. Irelia takes top and loses forcing me mid against a Mordekaiser. Sona doesn't give Twitch a proper leash like he requested so he falls behind and can't gank. Sivir loses to Caitlyn. 20 min Surrender.
So basically, as you can see, I'm just on a downward spiral. Now the educational portion, how will I get it back? That's simple. Eventually I will get a decent team and do well and it'll put me in a positive mood, from there I'll start playing champions I'm strong at and it'll spiral backwards taking straight back up. Now, what champions will I use once this happens? Pubstompers, champions that can carry entire teams.
Top, Wukong, Gangplank, Riven
Mid, Vladimir, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Twisted Fate
Jungler, Shyvana, Skarner, Wukong, Gangplank
AD, Corki, Sivir, Graves, Kennen
Support, Sona
All these champions are fantastic at pubstomping and I personally am very good at them. There are more that I'm not as good at and there champions I can pubstomp as that aren't pubstompers (warwick) but this is how I will do it.
So despite losing all this elo, and the fact I will keep losing, I do not believe in elo hell still. I just think it's a streak of bad games and I think, no, I know that I will recover from it and I will blast straight back up, because you always end up at the elo you belong in the end.
tl;dr, No matter what, even if you lose non-stop, you will eventually hit the elo you belong at it. It may fluctuate but you will get back.
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